The province is amending legislation to streamline how its prescription drug formularies are updated, which would provide faster and better access to drugs and other therapies for Manitobans.
Winnipeg Free Press
Manitoba Federation of Labour president Kevin Rebeck: The Pallister Conservatives are taking Manitoba in the wrong direction.
ORGANIZED labour criticized the provincial government after it revealed the text of two of its “mystery bills,” which will require fewer apprentices for public projects and give more control of apprenticeships to the minister.
ORGANIZED labour criticized the provincial government after it revealed the text of two of its mystery bills, which will require fewer apprentices for public projects and give more control of apprenticeships to the minister. The Pallister Conservatives are taking Manitoba in the wrong direction, Manitoba Federation of Labour president Kevin Rebeck said.
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Manitobans should have all bills available to them by March 11 for review and debate, according to Deputy Premier and Government House Leader Kelvin Goertzen.
He laid out the plan during the post-question period scrum at the Manitoba Legislature on Wednesday, the first day of the spring sitting. At question is 19 bills that were introduced in the fall sitting but were not tabled, with the Tory government leaning on a loophole within the rules of the house that allow for bills to be withheld until one day prior to second reading.
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