I was so worried. [applause] i was so worried. It was ringing. I thought are going to want to stay in bed and read. Here you are. Thank you and good morning. Welcome to the 2017th National Book festival. I am carla hayden. I am so honored to be able to say im the 14th librarian of congress. As you can see pretty excited to open this event. Our 17th consecutive celebration of books and reading. It is wonderful to see a full house here. Not only will we have a full house here at the convention center, but we have millions and millions of people joining us live on facebook. Thanks to everyone for joining us. Now, we have a fantastic lineup of mainstage authors this year. What better way to kick off a festival than with one of our nations most beloved historian historians, mr. David mcculloug mccullough. [applause] he is here for his sixth National Book festival appearance, and we hope you will continue to make this a habit. He will be followed by diana. [applause] she is the author of the
Live with arthur eveneds and call ins, both schedules available at booktv. Org. Welcome to the Washington Dc Convention center, the 17th annual National Book festival. Booktv on cspan2 will be live with others all day. He will hear from condoleezza rice, pulitzer prizewinning columnist tom friedman, bestselling authors jd vance and Michael Lewis the master not leland melton and many others. For complete schedule visit booktv. Org, follow us on social media for updates and behindthescenes videos. On facebook, facebook. Com booktv, booktv is our twitter handle and on instagram we are at booktv. This years festival kicks off with library of Congress Carla Hayden making opening remarks followed by pulitzer prizewinning author and historian David Mccullough. You are watching booktv on cspan2 live from the 17th annual National Book festival. [applause]. He will be followed they struck a chord in the National Conversation about poverty in america. Thomas freedom barely needs an introduction h
Columnist tom friedman, best selling authors j. D. Vance and Michael Lewis, astronaut Leland Melvin and many others. Now, for a complete schedule visit booktv. Org, and you can follow us on social media for updates and behindthescenes videos. Were on facebook,visit facebook. Com booktv, booktv is our twitter handle and on instagram, were at book underscore tv. This years festival kicks off with librarian of congress carla haden making opening remarks, and shell be followed immediately by author and historian david mccullough. Youre watching booktv on cspan2 live from the 17th annual National Book festival. [applause] wow, i was so worried [cheers and applause] i was so worried. It was raining [laughter] and i thought, book lovers are going to want to stay in bed concern. [laughter] and read. [laughter] well, here you are. Thank you and good morning. [applause] and welcome to the 2017 National Book festival. Im carla hayden, and im so honored to be able to say im the 14th librarian of c
I was so worried. [applause] i was so worried. It was raining, and i thought booklovers are going to want to stay in bed and read. But here you are. Thank you and good morning. [applause] and welcome to the 2017 National Book festival. I am carla hayden and im the 14th library and of congress. As you can see, as you can see, i am pretty excited to open this event, our 17th consecutive celebration of books and reading and it is wonderful to see a bold house in our largest presentation space. Not only do we have a full house here at the Convention Center but we also have millions of people joining us live on facebook. Thanks to everyone for joining us. We have a fantastic lineup of authors this year and what better way to kick off the festival then with one of our nations most beloved historians, mister David Mccullough. [applause] David Mccullough is here for his sixth National Book festival appearance, we hope you will continue to make this a habit. He will be followed by diana, the au
A better known as merely. His ego used the words you choose challenge me. For events stories. Have you they train them and i could go on for hours but the few chinese about you should better check it out yourself. Haiyan song a temple as beautiful as a Tranquil Lake now declared a World Heritage site by you know sco. The path to enlightenment knows many steps and stages. The gates of high and saw symbolize this path at the end everything is resolved there is no dualism no opposition of spirit and body life and death good and evil the enlightened one leaves all that behind. All creatures are cold to attend. The drum summons leanna most. The great bell moles on a mole who are capable of unlike in and. The wooden fish summons all aquatic life. And the gong the creatures of the air. Just as the great sound calls upon old creatures so the colors and ornaments cry out moto vivace in a rhythm of yellow red blue and green the name of this art is tante own color is its language symmetry its gra