Predictable if all value derives from human consciousness and human consciousness is now so you know attention Deficit Disorder sort of Television Short Attention Span jumping from idea to idea multitasking and multiprocessor is hundreds of browsers open yes im talking about myself and you know your Attention Span only has a few moment your consciousness of any single me more idea is very limited for a few moments sometimes 3 seconds so this is subject to that so day fortnight i was huge on social media for a few weeks and now hes gone hes over because the mean is. Well here you know he was like that they have kramer for the same or that jim cramer you know those green are and you know i mean i mean this is jim cramer had a plastic hammer as well during his in told us you know that jon stewart who was. Big on cable kids he was a comedian who was on t. V. For a while he ripped james cramer apart in an interview and exposed him as a he because he admits he likes the manipulate prices jam
Cars so. You know i mean i dont know what to tell you. This was predictable if all value derives from human consciousness and human consciousness is now so you know attention Deficit Disorder sort of Television Short Attention Span jumping from idea to idea multitasking and multiprocessor is hundreds of browsers open yes im talking about myself and you know your Attention Span only has a few moment your consciousness of any single me more idea is very limited for a few moments sometimes 3 seconds so this is subject to that so day fortnight i was huge on social media for a few weeks and now hes gone hes over peak does that mean as. Well he he was like the day of kramer for the jim beam or the jim cramer you know with those green or and you know i mean. I mean this is jim cramer had a plastic hammer as well during his in told us you know. Jon stewart who was big on cable to see was a comedian who was on t. V. For a while he ripped james cramer apart in an interview and exposed him as a b
A deal ford and their stock went up by 50 percent based on their mean of electric cars so. You know i mean i dont know what to tell you. This was predictable if all value derives from human consciousness and human consciousness is now so you know attention Deficit Disorder sort of Television Short Attention Span jumping from idea to idea multitasking and multiprocessor is hundreds of browsers open yes im talking about myself and you know your Attention Span only has a few moment your consciousness of any single me more idea is very limited for a few moments sometimes 3 seconds so this is subject to that so day fortnight i was huge on social media for a few weeks and now hes gone hes over because the mean is. Well hero. It was like the day of kramer for the jim beam or the jim kramer you know with those green or and you know i mean i mean this is jim kramer had a plastic hammer as well during his in told us you know. Jon stewart who was big on cable kids he was a comedian who was on t.
Short Attention Span jumping from idea to idea multitasking and multiprocessor is hundreds of browsers open yes im talking about myself and you know your Attention Span only has a few moment your consciousness of any single me more idea is very limited for a few moments sometimes 3 seconds so this is subject to that so day fortnight i was huge on social media for a few weeks and now hes gone hes over because they mean as. Well he he was like the day of kramer for the jim beam or the jim cramer you know with those green or and you know i mean i mean this is jim cramer had a plastic camera as well during his in told us you know that jon stewart who was big on cable to he was a comedian who was on t. V. For a while he ripped james cramer apart in an interview and expose. Because he admits he likes to manipulate prices james kramer and he has a tape of him saying this and jon stewart replated for him and he felt quite embarrassed but so this is just a repeat of that scene and so who will b
A murmur ation like starlings in the sky they congregate and then they disperse and people congregate around this room aeration of a stock called tesla and now theyre dispersing and theres no fundamental value to come but be that would suggest its worth more than you know 80 percent below its current price or market cap and to show you how easy it is to create a new meaning to take the place of the tesla mame nickel nicola. They just did a deal ford and their stock went up by 50 percent based on their mean of electric cars so. You know i mean i dont know what to tell you. This was predictable if all value derives from human consciousness and human consciousness is now so you know attention Deficit Disorder sort of television shortage 10. Span jumping from idea to idea multitasking and multiprocessor is hundreds of browsers open yes im talking about myself and you know your Attention Span only has a few moment your consciousness of any single me more idea is very limited for a few momen