This brief Q&A highlights some of the primary foreign investment considerations for project companies operating in Thailand, including key restrictions, fees and taxes, bilateral investment treaties and nationalisation laws.
Customs plays a pivotal role in intercepting incoming shipments of counterfeit and pirated goods en route to the Thai market. A special feature of the Customs Act BE 2560 (2017) gives customs officials the authority to intervene ex officio to detain and seize suspicious counterfeit and pirated goods.
Want to find a meteorite? Expert Geoff Notkin tells us how!
Scott Sutherland
mercredi, 27 mars 2019 à 21:00 - If you want the excitement of finding a meteorite, this expert guide will help you know where and how to look!
Meteorites are rare and wondrous, and finding one is an amazing experience, but how does one go about locating these elusive treasures? Meteorite hunter Geoff Notkin tells us how!
This is known as a
meteorite fall and the area where the meteorites end up is called a
strewn field
All meteorites have a few distinctive features (some obvious, some subtle) that set them apart from Earth rocks
Parliament of Ghana
House grants €24,174,437.00 Tax Waiver in Respect of 330-Bed Maternity Block at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital 15-12-2020
Parliament has approved a total of the cedu equivalent of twenty four million, one hundred and seventy four thousand and four hundred and thirty-seven euros (€24,174,437.00) tax waiver on materials, equipment and services to be procured for the construction of a new 330-Bed Maternity Block at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH).
This follows a request by Government represented by the Ministry of Finance for a tax waiver covering Import Duties, Import and Domestic Value Added Tax (VAT), Ghana Education Trust Fund (GET Fund) Levy, National Health Insurance Levy (NHIL), EXIM and Special Import Levy.