presidential terms pete souza was the official white house photographer documenting all eight years of the obama administration. souza was also ronald reagan s white house photographer for six years taking photos like this before his second inaugural address. throughout the obama white house souza posted photos on his instagram account but lately he s been digging through his archives and started throwing shade. a lot of shade. for instance, after president trump first signed the travel ban souza posted this photo captioned talking with a young refugee. after the trump advisers reportedly had trouble finding the lights in the cabinet room he posted this captioned those damn lights. and ahead of trump s announcement of his supreme court nominee, this photo writing merrick garland, just saying. but souza s post today may have particularly stung with the caption before voting on the affordable care act in 2010, president obama met with many members of congress on both sides of the
we re going to repeal and replace obamacare. if we don t act quickly, the damage will be irreversible. we re going to have it terminated. we re going to have great health care. so we re going to repeal and replace. obamacare which we re going to repeal and we re going replace with something much better. it will be repeal and replace. it will be essentially simultaneously. most likely be on the same day or the same week, probably the same day, could be the same hour. real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as obamacare. [ cheers and applause ] today rhetoric met reality for president trump and the republican party as a whole, a culmination of seven year s worth of calls for repealing the affordable care act. joining me now, academy award winning documentary filmmaker and activist michael moore. michael, your reaction to what happened today.
well, immediately the good news is that the millions of people who are beneficiaries of obamacare are not going to be thrown out on the curb tonight or tomorrow night or any time soon so that s great news. everybody should feel good about that. but this is not the time for the democrats to gloat or throw some kind of party. they re really good at throwing early parties like yay, we won. wait a minute, we didn t? this is the time we have to now double down because when please understand that trump is telling you the truth when he says that obamacare is going to explode or implode depending on which side of his brain he s listening to. it will do one of those things because they are going to actively make sure that that happens. they and the profit-making insurance companies are going to make sure it explodes. so that means the resistance this is a worrisome scenario,
that pay for the health care coverage so i think it was a huge victory. i m very excited about it, on the other hand, i don t think we can let our guard down. there s other battles ahead. i m having a hard time figuring out which of the two scenarios is correct. i can t tell if the republican leadership were essentially fooling their voters all this time when they were voting time after time to repeal obamacare, 60 times and they can t do it once when they have control, or whether they fooled themselves. if they essentially believed all of their own rhetoric. well, but see, i do think they used it politically because if they believed their own rhetoric then please tell me why i ve been here for seven years and have never seen a replacement? you know i voted over 65 times against the repeal. you would have thought i would have voted 65 times for or against a replacement. when they had the opportunity to do a replacement they couldn t get it together so i think it was political. i th
the people who are watching, the people who are members of resistance, we are talking tens of millions of people, we have to shift away from congress, who we have been barraging for two months with phone calls, visits, letters. we have to go after the insurance companies. they are going to do everything in their power to to do what trump said is going to happen. they are going to try to explode or implode obamacare. here is a lesson. we spoke a day after the election. there s a great feeling of people were stunned, i think in the broad center left, people were upset, confused and angry. one of the things i kept thinking about is how quickly tables turned in the last eight or ten years i have been covering politics in 2004-2006,