Chief Minister N Biren Singh today said he is "highly upset" with the ongoing violence in Manipur and elements who engage in it will be held responsible for any stringent government action, including reimposition of the AFSPA.
Manipur Cinematographer Irom Maipak dies of COVID-19 at the Age of 52
He was the only national award-winning cinematographer of Manipur, who was also the founder president of the All Manipur Cinematographers’ Association
| 21 May 2021 2:07 PM GMT
Imphal: Irom Maipak, the acclaimed cinematographer of Manipur, passed away on Thursday at a hospital in Imphal Raj Medicity after battling COVID-19 at the age of 52. He was admitted to the hospital on May 4.
A resident of Sagolband Salam Leikai, he is survived by his wife, a son, and daughter.
In a spontaneous, virtual condolence assembly, members of MSFDS s Executive Board and the Celebration Committee of the Golden Jubilee of Manipuri Cinema expressed shock at the sudden passing of Maipak, who was also an important employee of MSFDS as a cameraman.