There is only one way we can possibly make sense, of every single aspect of Bernard Grech’s entire ‘barbaric’ speech in Parliament last Wednesday. And that is to recognise it for the crude, crass, and disgustingly misogynistic joke it all along was… and LAUGH
Nearly all the Catholic Church’s most cherished festivals (including both Christmas and Easter) can also trace their origins to the same pagan traditions that Fr Muscat now denounces as ‘Satanic’
The Electoral Commission has still not received the Labour Party’s accounts for 2020, and is still reviewing the Labour Party’s accounts for 2019, over seven months after these were presented – woefully late – in March 2022
In a sense, then, this next election could almost be regarded as a straight ‘referendum’ between those two conflicting world-visions… which in turn suggests that the ‘victory’ of one side, would also translate into a direct ‘rejection’ of the other