i don t want to let down their expectations of me and so i stayed in, even when i knew deep down this is not what s for me. it s a mystery because i know god knew me despite my imperfection and weakness and despite the fact that in many ways i felt emotionally trapped. i am here. i thank god for the past and i ask him for grace for the future. martha: are you still catholic? you better believe that. i believed and i believed and you don t change beliefs just because you changed your goal on god s plan and i believe the same god who called me is calling me today. martha: you talk in your statement about the fact that one of the things that not at you from the very beginning was
about to begin in earnest 1st the bridal couple are separated. the men give the bride groom a traditional shame. it s a ritual to pack him out to his new role as the husband. playfully he attempts to escape his fate. meanwhile the women start the ritual of gold coin and paste made from the henna plan time pressed into a meanest palm. to bring her luck. and prosperity the resulting stain is meant to show the bride s imperfection only and that is perfect the gloves ensure that the head of paste sinks into the skin quickly and mina must wear them overnight. then the mood changes in a tear filled ritual the meanest family bit farewell to the bride and symbolically
i think that s the consensus from most people, as long as it s done fair and it s a thorough investigation, i think with no preconceived notions, i think people are fine with this investigation. listen, you know, he s also going after his former secretary of state, rex tillerson saying that he is dumb as a rock. this is after tillerson told the house committee trump was not prepared for the 2017 meeting with vladimir putin. why do you think this got the president so enraged? i mean, is it because it has to do with putin maybe? well, that, yeah, that. i think any time somebody alleges some imperfection for our stable genius, i think that, you know, that enrages him. he just can t he s not very good at taking criticism. and he s in the wrong job for somebody that doesn t like criticism. i can t help but think about a
alleges some imperfection for our stable genius, i think that, you know, that enrages him. he just can t he s not very good at taking criticism. and he s in the wrong job for somebody that doesn t like criticism. i can t help but think about a friend of mine, a former boss and a mentor and an iconic american of bob gates. i often wonder what goes through bob s mind. he introduced tillerson to then president-elect trump in trump tower, and it was through mainly through bob s and tillerson s associations with boy scouts of america, and i have to think bob, you know, probably wishes he hadn t done that. look, maybe so. you know him better than i do. but he said all these things about tillerson. but him calling tillerson dumb as a rock, this is what he used
being interested in sports was one of the things gene wanted in a woman. so i took tennis lessons in california. gene loved france, so i took lessons in french. [ speaking french ] i think i have always been searching for some kind of love that was perfect, and so of course it could never work out. and she s like a little gnat that s saying, it s never going to be perfect. i brought imperfection into his life. yes, she brought imperfection into my life. before that, it was perfect. growing up, i would be with my uncle gene, who was also a second father to me, for a few months of the year. and when he and gilda moved in together, that just sort of