$2.5 trillion over 10 years, student loan forgiveness, medicare for all, as well as the green new deal plan. do any of these policies work for any group of people, maybe the low income folks that need help the most. what do you say? well, certainly if you re very low income person and he excludes them from the tax increases, then that would help them. the question is where would you get the money? you have to remember that half the population, household income less than 60,000 a year, approximately, if you exclude them, where do you get the rest of the taxes? the reality is, and liz warren and bernie sanders knows this, is our income tax system is already very progressive. our corporate taxes are still a little bit above average. there really isn t a whole lot of room. they talk about taxing wealth. where is 90% of the wealth, 85% of the wealth, it s in retirement accounts. he wants to i m po imp ofmpover