Article – AsiaPacific Infrastructure The trans-Tasman bubble has been a step closer to normality with some semblance of overseas travel returning. Since then our borders have been shutting and re-opening to Australian states as new cases of Covid-19 emerge in their cities. This is not …
The trans-Tasman bubble has been a step closer to normality with some semblance of overseas travel returning. Since then our borders have been shutting and re-opening to Australian states as new cases of Covid-19 emerge in their cities. This is not normality. With the emergence of the highly infectious delta variant threatening to pop the bubble completely, just how long will it be before things go back to normal for good?
Thursday, 8 July 2021, 4:24 pm
trans-Tasman bubble has been a step closer to normality with
some semblance of overseas travel returning. Since then our
borders have been shutting and re-opening to Australian
states as new cases of Covid-19 emerge in their cities. This
is not normality. With the emergence of the highly
infectious delta variant threatening to pop the bubble
completely, just how long will it be before things go back
to normal for good?
Pūnaha Matatini scientists say four in five Kiwis need
to get the jab before we can stop worrying about lockdowns
and alert levels and start opening up again to the rest of