The flight of illegal immigrants from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, organized by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is the political gift that keeps on giving. According to the Democrats, this flight so traumatized the immigrants involved that a civil rights lawsuit has been filed on their behalf.
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Sputnik International
»Trumping Trump: Joe Biden Signs 30 Executive Orders in First 3 Days in Office. Here are All of Them
Trumping Trump: Joe Biden Signs 30 Executive Orders in First 3 Days in Office. Here are All of Them
Representative image.
President Joe Biden has signed a flurry of executive orders, actions and memorandums aimed at rapidly addressing the coronavirus pandemic and dismantling many of President Donald Trump s policies.
The 30 executive actions Biden has taken in the first days of his administration include halting funding for the construction of Trump s border wall, reversing Trump s travel ban targeting largely Muslim countries, imposing a mask mandate on federal property, ramping up vaccination supplies and requiring international travelers to provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test prior to traveling to the US.