the level of reporting but ideation. this is very difficult. i m not suggesting it s easy. if there s urgency to be felt, if your issue is not republican or democrat, but reform, we re not addressing it. this is the foundational bill to say, republicans, work with us on this. we re setting up an incremental reform to allow everybody to take a victory lap but it won t change anything substantively. let me disagree with one tiny thing. it s not difficult. after 9/11, we treated that attack as a war that came to our shores and we changed everything. let me just say this about republicans. if you need any evidence of the racism, take their different treatment of white terrorists and muslim terrorists. case closed. that s it. the power of leadership to set national priorities. immigration polls is the number
illegals and government services for illegals. there s a harvard poll that came out that said more americans would like zero immigration than the current immigration polls. the way they pull off these polls, i want them to know, they personalize it. do you want to deport this person? no. i want questions like do you want more or less immigration? do you think people break the law? should people become citizens and collect welfare? do you think we should dump low wage workers in the country? trump may think he s a genius. some ways he is. he has uncanny sense for what are popular issues. that s why he won. he may be able to roll over the never trumpers but if he
of democratic control of course. i m making an obvious point. the republican party is weak at this moment and it s possible that the president will be able to steam roll the congress in getting those things through. there are definite ideological fights ahead. if you re going to lighten up immigration polls you ll create a democratic base. there is another reason to do this to have fairness and equity for people who have been living in this country under the rey car that have nowhere to go. clearly there is a reason to do i it other than political consequences. martha: have to end it there. bill: there is marijuana and there is gay marriage. what passed and what did not. and for the second time in the east residents are told to pack up and head for higher ground. a major storm again taking dead