if we have 51, there will be no more motions to discharge. it will be appointees and judges will get appointed much more quickly. we ve set the record as of today, 83 new judges, two-thirds women, half people of color and progressive judges, not just partners in law firms and prosecutors, but legal aide attorneys and immigration lawyers and consumer advocates, things like that. so that will make that a lot easier. the second thing it does is you can get different bills out of committee much more quickly. third, we can have subpoena power. with 50-50, you can t really get subpoena power. it means it s a lot easier to get things done. when you have 50 senator and any one senator can say i m not getting this, this or this. when it s 51, it harder to do. you put all that together and plus that extra seat in 2024 keeps the majority. i m trying to think ahead. and senator warnock has been a
Soros-backed candidate for district attorney Julie Gunnigle said immigration status should be considered before charging criminals to prevent deportation.
Soros-backed candidate for district attorney Julie Gunnigle said immigration status should be considered before charging criminals to prevent deportation.
Soros-backed candidate for district attorney Julie Gunnigle said immigration status should be considered before charging criminals to prevent deportation.
i think the first thing to layout is there seems to be five different claims that we see these democratic lawmakers making, and that can be kidnapping, coercion, human trafficking, smuggling, then of course, some of the immigration attorneys that have met these migrants up in matters when have said their civil rights were violated. looking at that array, the problem i see for these claims is that the governors signed releases acknowledging that they knew that they were traveling and where they were going, and saw that could be a defense that desantis and abbott used in these probes. also, in terms of civil rights, one of the arguments is that they were fraudulently taken to martha s vineyard, told that they were going there to be processed and able to work back of the immigration lawyers say now their civil rights have been violated because that was under false pretenses and th there are thousands of miles away from the