Seminal essay from 1979 from Diane Elson arguing for the importance of Marx’s “Value Theory of Labour.” The essay was a product of debates within the Conference of Socialist Economists (CSE). Full PDF of the essay also below. Note: As Soren Mau pointed out, more than two decades before Elson, Raya Dunayevskaya suggested that we should speak of the ‘value theory of labour’ rather than the ‘labour theory of value’. See 'The Logic and Scope of Capital, Volumes II and III' here.
At the end of the twentieth century, the long predicted convergence of the media, computing and telecommunications into hypermedia is finally happening.[2] Once again, capitalism’s relentless drive…
Question 1: Dr Marx , you are well known as the author of a book on economics but I think you studied law at university, didn't you? Karl Marx: Although I…
Interesting set of articles debating the nature of unions in capitalist society and how revolutionary workers should relate to them, from a pro-working class, left communist perspective.