bruce lee achieved immortality in movies. kareem s next choice was a man who had immortality thrust upon him. he was an ancient egyptian. born nearly 5,000 years ago. his name was imhotep. he was a genius at a number of different things. he was an architect. he was a center. he was an administrator for the egyptian pharaoh. imhotep is an interesting individual and once again, we re talking about someone who is a trailblazer, someone who initiaish i initiates, someone who innovates. imhotep is the person that designed the very first pyramid in egypt. at over 200 feet, the pyramid of josur in the necropolis of sakarah was also the first human built structure, constructed entirely of stone.
people don t reallied where medicine started. and it started in egypt. the greeks and romans learned about medicine from the egyptians. it just all started with imhotep. coming up, we travel back to the frontier period of u.s. history and one of kareem s boyhood heroes. i think it s so charming that he was so into like cowboys and the wild west. see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition. experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at $319 a month. infiniti. empower the drive.
when they were in hong kong, they were very good friends. bruce lee achieved immortality in movies. kareem s next choice was a man who had immortality thrust upon him. he was an ancient egyptian. he was a genius at a number of different things. he was an an text, he was an administrator for the egyptian pharaoh. he is an interesting individual, and again, we re talking about someone who is a trail blazer, someone who initiates, someone who innovates. hotep is the one that designed the very first pyramid in egypt. at 200 feet. was the first human built
structure. hotep was one of the few commoners to achieve immortal status. he contributed so much to the science and infrastructure of egypt. and few would be aware of the debt of gratitude the modern world owes this egyptian in a field that kareem is especially passionate about. he was probably the father of modern medicine. hotep comes along at a time when disease is oftener interpreted as some indication of some unseen spiritual ailment, for which spiritual antidotes were required. he was one of the first individuals to begin to locate causality for a disease in the physical realm and to begin to
story as a story of the jewish people in exile undergoing a human struggle that is it to be an exile. joseph is not building pyramids in the hebrew bible texts and there are many faithful who recognize, as kara has told us that the joseph narrative is separated by many centuries from the pyramids. we tell the story this way. are you wanting to say something? i would say that i think dr. carson is trying to connect imhotep with joseph. there is a text that talks about imhotep having a dream about a famine and a god tells him what to do and he wakes up and tells the king i know what to do and they fix the situation and then they build a monument as a thank you. and if you look at the aspects