Yesterday, Jr NTR dropped Kalyan Ram's Bimbisara trailer on the internet. The film's trailer has received thunderous response from all quarters. Not to mention, Bimbisara trailer is trending in second place on Youtube. Talking about the trailer, Kalyan Ram is seen in two different avatars one as King Bimbisara who is fighting to conquer the emperor, and the other one is seen
NTR To Promote Kalyanram s Film: Nandamuri Kalyanram needs a massive hit to get back into the race. The actor took a long break and he signed a fantasy film Bimbisara. The film is made on a budget of Rs 35 crores
Kalyanram Wows With Bimbisara Trailer: Nandamuri Kalyanram needs a massive hit to bounce back and stay in the race. He dedicated more than a year for Bimbisara, a periodic film that presents Kalyanram in a dual role.