Affairs through an islamic lens. One of the biggest responsibilities that muslims have been endowed with has been to propagate islam and spread awareness about the causes that are most important to the muslims. Its also amplified by the fact that the world is under the spell of the zionist owned and controlled media empire which is uniquely hostile to muslims and islam. Evidence by their shameful coverage of the genocide in gaza and other issues related to islam. In this weeks episode we will explore what the responsibilities of muslims are in. Propagating the religion, defending the muslims and islam with the tongue, and clarifying the falsehoods of the global media. First we take a look at what the religion of islam says about these matters in the holy texts of the religion. The religion of islam is and has been from its conception, fast growing religion. One of the reasons for that has been the focus on propagating the religion or performing dower, literally calling others to the st