temporary field headquarters so many young women missing one woman determined to find them there s a story to her too. a young woman lucky to b alive. for a lot of people that would be the end to police work. so she searched the numbers grew the families hurt. she says i have some ba news for you under a desert sky a secret waited. this is not happening missing women forgotten by almost everyone but her. i have always felt they wer going to be together if you find one you ll fin them, all. sometimes ida lopez simpl can t wait for sunday. sometimes in the middle of her work week the albuquerqu detective feels a pressing nee for spiritual solace and divin guidance the fall of 2005 was one o those times. it was a time when a siniste force seemed to be snatching women off the streets of new mexico s largest city. and the devoutly religious detective knew she needed al the help she could get i think it s somebody who s very organized i think he s been preying on
photos and you see the scarrin on the desert floor, knowing what we know now, it s ver obvious that those look like graves this is what albuquerqu police chief ray schultz say investigators saw when the looked at old pictures of th mesa in this 2002 image of the area where the bones were discovere there s nothing unusual. just desert and sage brush wit a dry stream bed running through it but two years later, in 2004 when most of the women o detective ida lopez s list wer disappearing, the images sho tire tracks leading from thi road to a few bare spots in th vegetation spots that weren t there before this photo, taken the followin year, shows even more bare spots. clustered within 20 yards of each other it s kind of eerie lookin at those satellite photos.