mexico. back in december the government awarded a $6.1 million contract to v.f. image war. the company uses mexico for manufacturing as well as facilities in south america and the middle east as well. brian: when they get stopped coming across the border say i m just bringing uniforms. steve: when you look for the union label, there isn t one. brian: applying for health care includes voter registration. critics say the placement will lead people to believe they have to register with the democratic party to get health care. gretchen: louisiana parents outraged after peta sent their 14-year-old son half naked pictures of women because he wanted to raffle off a cow. he hoped the money would help send him on a trip to europe. peta offended by the idea, fired off a nasty e-mail to the boy and suggested he
that we win the image war. there is no doubt about that. the personality, the persona. you have to define i couldn t have yourself. but you have to stay on message, on track because the american people are suffering under these failed economic policy. do you think, this is always that this ticket needs to get badly out of this convention, typically it could be five points or so in the polls because of the proximity of the next convention? it s no more do they have the wind behind their back, we hope not literally with the storm, than the next convention. so he needs to score a poll gain very quickly and it s got to be substantial. do you agree with that? yeah. if you want to put it in a baseball terminology, you got to go deep center field out of the park, hit a grand slam because you want so much momentum that you do overshadow the democratic convention in charlotte which if it s going to focus on war on women and social issues, that s