isn t that more effective? isn t that the point of toy story ? doesn t it have all those good themes? isn t that why we have our kids watch certain movies and read certain books because it will encourage them to do the good things? if they see themselves reflected in that, they will have a positive self-image.ou also, those people who don t see those images every day will start to see everyone as a human being. so i actually understand where she is coming from. tucker: wait a second. look. i m in japan right now where surveys of self-esteem show it very low.. and this is a country of very high achievement. there is no correlation of self-esteem and achievement. the more impressive you thinkre you are, the less impressive you likely are. again, i disagree with that. one person to hold up is trump. he sees himself really amazingl amazingly. he thinks he is handsome, he thinks he is smart. he has been relatively successful. tucker: he became president.ea