Kerry and her teenage kids Lily and Sam have been quarantined with Kerry’s wife and ex-husband the kids’ dad, who is also gay and lives in the basement.
Martha: I went out to visit you my middle daughter last February.
Suzanne: You were going to stay for six weeks. My husband, Zaher, is a cardiologist, and I remember he said, “If what they’re saying is true, the virus is probably going to spread.” But it didn’t even occur to us to cancel our plans to have you fly out here. “I was just so worried for you. A mother never wants to see her child go before her.” Martha
Martha: I ended up being with you for eight months.
Suzanne: In March, when you’d been here for almost a month, I was on the phone talking to one of my good friends. I can remember it clear as day. I was talking, and when I inhaled, I felt this burn. By that night, just walking down the hall in our house, it felt weird. That was back before anyone was wearing masks. Zaher looked right at me and said, “You need to stay up in our room.” I said to him, “My mom may need my help with things.” He’s like, “She