We know exactly what happened afterwards. Heres what the time line looks like. The first hearing in the senate is expected to be held tomorrow. The full congress is not scheduled to return until next week. So far, the only consensus in congress is there is no consensus in congress. Im hoping by the time next week comes around and hopefully the president can make his case, that he will be able to get a majority of the house of representatives. I think its at least 50 50 whether the house will vote down involvement in the syrian war. I think the senate will rubber stamp what he wants but i think the house will be a much closer vote. With congress in a holding pattern, the Administration Says proof is building by the day that syrias bashar all ac assa used sarin gas against his own people. Nearly a third of that countrys population being displaced by the civil war. White house officials reportedly say theyre flooding the zone. The president has meetings today with republican senators grah