inaudible . The members of the public will be calling in 888 2736538 and access code is 3103752. When prompted dial 120 be added to the speaker line and it will indicate that callers are entering the question and answer time but this is the Public Comment. If you call in before Public Comment is called, youll be added to the cue. Please mute the device youre listening to the meeting on. When its your time to speak, youll be prompted to do so. Its three minutes per speaker or otherwise established bit speaker. Please show the office of Small Business slide. Interest we will start with the reminder the Small Business commission can voice your concern about policies that affect the Small Businesses in San Francisco. And that the office of Small Business is the best place to get answers about doing business in San Francisco, particularly in this local emergency. If you need assistance with Small Business matters particularly at this time, find us online or via telephone. As always, our ser
That is our intention . And i just want to close with your questions. It feels like a half a dozen topics, but it could be a few more. But these are items that are being discussed, and i really appreciate you raising them and starting that dialogue here. Supervisor preston and thank you for your willingness to have the conversation, and thank you to all the frontline workers who have really formed both the questions and stood in the ontheground reality with folks that are living this crisis. I appreciate everyones work on this, and thanks again. Thank you. President breslin any other comments or questions . Vice president follansbee yeah, this is commissioner follansbee. I think [inaudible] Vice President follansbee regarding potential usefulness which is, of course, not firmed. So the bottom line is if a patient did not get their medications because of some complicating thing, we shouldnt be rewarding the rates based on the unavailability of medications because of overutilization else
888 2733658 and the access code is 310745. inaudible . The members of the public will be calling in 888 2736538 and access code is 3103752. When prompted dial 120 be added to the speaker line and it will indicate that callers are entering the question and answer time but this is the Public Comment. If you call in before Public Comment is called, youll be added to the cue. Please mute the device youre listening to the meeting on. When its your time to speak, youll be prompted to do so. Its three minutes per speaker or otherwise established bit speaker. Please show the office of Small Business slide. Interest we will start with the reminder the Small Business commission can voice your concern about policies that affect the Small Businesses in San Francisco. And that the office of Small Business is the best place to get answers about doing business in San Francisco, particularly in this local emergency. If you need assistance with Small Business matters particularly at this time, find us
This is the special meeting of the Small Business submission on wednesday, may 27th. The meeting is called to order at 1 01 p. M. Phowe thank Media Services and sf gov tv which can be viewed on sf gov tv or livestream. Members of the public is 888 2733658 and the access code is 310745. inaudible . The members of the public will be calling in 888 2736538 and access code is 3103752. When prompted dial 120 be added to the speaker line and it will indicate that callers are entering the question and answer time but this is the Public Comment. If you call in before Public Comment is called, youll be added to the cue. Please mute the device youre listening to the meeting on. When its your time to speak, youll be prompted to do so. Its three minutes per speaker or otherwise established bit speaker. Please show the office of Small Business slide. Interest we will start with the reminder the Small Business commission can voice your concern about policies that affect the Small Businesses in San F
Setbacks and does the job only have what it takes to beat. The special coverage on just. After the edge you know watching the mushroom edition that is certainly under lockdown deductions and are not one month a long. Time this. Is a nurse. And she. My biggest concern is the quality of the prenatal care the army will receive in this pregnancy especially with a lot of my appointments being cancelled or switched to tell medicine which is very limited and even if there werent more urgent appointment it is filled with a desire to because our support partners i mean he will be present with us theres also been a lot of aggrieved a box pregnant women with their baby showers being here is told i know it sounds trivial by a lot of who have been relying on these baby showers to provide essential for their baby and of course there are other concerns like contracting who it ourselves and possibly passing it on to our baby or being separated from our baby after delivery so its a stressful time for w