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Imagine if several of your relatives signed and sent to you, personally, a handwritten letter, pointing out that by challenging Trump as divinely ordained, you have shamed the family name. Also, Democrats believe in abortion and while Trump isn t perfect, neither are you and besides, if King David can be forgiven by God in the Bible, so is Donald Trump for everything he ever did. Also God is as disappointed in you as we are, but really: You should be very proud that you have
lost the respect [underlined three times] of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, John Kelly, etc., and most importantly in our book, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh and us!!!
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With Rachel Roubein
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Ilyse Hogue, an abortion rights activist who helped lead the fight against former President Trump
Hogue, who has led NARAL for eight years, did not state what her next career move would be, but her departure comes as Democrats hold unified control of Congress and the White House for the first time in since 2011.
“Because of Ilyse’s leadership, NARAL could not be in a better position to take advantage of Democratic control of Washington to make reproductive freedom a reality for every body. I, and the whole board, are beyond grateful for all that she has done for the organization and our members,” said Anna Burger, chairwoman of NARAL’s board of directors.
Ilyse Hogue, Influential Abortion Rights Advocate, Will Step Down as NARAL Chief
In an interview, Ms. Hogue discussed a tumultuous era for abortion rights and the future of Roe v. Wade.
Ilyse Hogue in 2018. “Constant vigilance is required to secure all of our rights,” she said.Credit.Noam Galai/Getty Images
Feb. 8, 2021
For Ilyse Hogue, who announced on Monday that she was stepping down as the head of NARAL Pro-Choice America after eight years, abortion rights are at something of a crossroads, with Democrats facing the choice of whether to try to deliver on their promise of codifying Roe v. Wade.
Democratic National Convention via AP
There were a helluva a lot of infuriatingly annoying things Republicans were subjected to over the last four years from the mainstream media and Democrats. One of the big ones was their constant revisionism on all things Hillary Clinton.
Leading the charge was the failed Democratic presidential nominee herself, who proclaimed as loudly and often as possible in interview after interview and speech after speech that President Trump “stole” the 2016 election from her and that she would have won in a landslide had it not been for the (non-existent) Trump/Russia collusion. Mrs. Clinton was never challenged by the left-wing media on these claims.