A-State Student Team Selected for NASA Project Funding
A-State Science Support System includes (top row, from left) Benjamin Whitfield (team lead, electrical engineering); Katherine Willis (biology), Claire Greene (biology); (middle) Hannah Seats (biology), Mason Rhodes (mechanical engineering), Maureen Dolan (faculty adviser, ABI & Department of Biological Sciences, molecular biology); (bottom) Jacob Oster (mechanical engineering), Landon Perdue (mechanical engineering), Shea Harris (co-adviser, ABI outreach coordinator).
JONESBORO – While most students were preparing to start finals late last week, a team of Arkansas State University students were preparing for a different kind of test . . . a test of their creativity, scientific curiosity, and ingenuity.
NASA, as in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was assigning the grade.
A-State Student Team Selected for NASA Project Funding
A-State Science Support System includes (top row, from left) Benjamin Whitfield (team lead, electrical engineering); Katherine Willis (biology), Claire Greene (biology); (middle) Hannah Seats (biology), Mason Rhodes (mechanical engineering), Maureen Dolan (faculty adviser, ABI & Department of Biological Sciences, molecular biology); (bottom) Jacob Oster (mechanical engineering), Landon Perdue (mechanical engineering), Shea Harris (co-adviser, ABI outreach coordinator).
JONESBORO – While most students were preparing to start finals late last week, a team of Arkansas State University students were preparing for a different kind of test . . . a test of their creativity, scientific curiosity, and ingenuity.
NASA, as in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was assigning the grade.