patrol. will: hey, guys, we spend a lot of time the three of us, rightfully so talking about what is right or wrong. we don t often indulge the conversation about what is politically expedient what is not what works. let me tell you this, having done this for quite sometime, i remember a time when republicans for got how important the border issue was border issue was to the american voter. donald trump highlighted, put that on the front burner, i care about this. we not stopping illl immigration. talking about the ukrainian border once again, politicians the aisle are forgetting how big of an issue this is for the american people. this right here is a motivating factor at the voting booth. do something about this problem. the american people want something done. i will just say this, guys. we move on to this, i think it highlights the american people what they want, at least in this case, in los angeles.
they have dramatically cut funding for their terrorist proxies around the world. hamas, hezbollah. ed: let s move to mexico. he got a deal with them, people laughed at that one. these terror threats forced mexico to trac crackdown on illl immigration. the first time in modern history, enforcing the immigration laws at their southern border, not our southern border. ed: planned parenthood. he delivered a major blow to planned parenthood, something called the protect life will come of that prohibits funds going to clinics that have abortion. we are saving lives, something george w. bush didn t do, george h.w. bush didn t do, republican presidents for three decades that s why christian conservatives stay with donald trump. ed: interesting point. trickle quick last ones. isis leader. he order the operation to