In a first-ever collaboration, Bloomington-based opera company MIOpera teams up with the Illinois Symphony on Saturday for a Shakespearean evening of opera and orchestral music.
The Illinois Symphony's popular "Holiday Pops in the Heartland" comes to Illinois State University's Concert Hall Saturday with a combined orchestra, joining players from Bloomington-Normal Youth Symphony, Springfield Choral Society and more.
With a third work, Jacques Ibert’s 1956 “Hommage a Mozart,” Saturday evening's concert creates a chronology of three generations of canonical composers.
Guest conductor Rei Hotoda leads the Illinois Symphony in “Virtuosic Voices,” kicking off the 2022-23 season Oct. 15 at Illinois State University’s Center for the Performing Arts. The engagement is the first since Ken Lam's departure and a move to Illinois State University after nearly two decades in downtown Bloomington.