The Fairfield Public School District 112 Board of Education met Monday night and heard an update on its Superintendent Search from Tim Buss, with the Illinois School Board Association. Interim Superintendent Diana Zurliene says community survey responses have been collected, and brochures advertising the position were mailed out yesterday. The Association has already had some people fill out the applications for the position, and it will continue to accept them until Valentine's Day. The board anticipates interviewing candidates around the first of March, and a new superintendent could be approved by the board at the March board meeting, to take office in July. Edwards County Treasurer Debbie Smith says 98 percent of real estate taxes has been collected, as of yesterday afternoon, along with 93 percent of mobile home taxes. Delinquent taxes were published Monday in the Wayne County Press due to Edwards County no longer having a local paper. The Edwards County Tax Sale will be held
Normal, IL, USA /
May 13, 2021 | 2:18 PM
(The Center Square) – State Rep. Adam Niemerg said Wednesday he plans to introduce a bill that would do away with face masks in the Illinois House and in schools, which drew immediate criticism from some lawmakers even though it has yet to be assigned a bill number.
“We are standing in a chamber today, where every single one of us has had the opportunity to have the COIVD-19 vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine is more than 90% effective in fighting COVID-19. So why are we here wearing masks pretending that there’s a risk when there is little to no risk? The answer is: We should not. What message are we sending?” Niemerg said during a point of personal privilege. “If the vaccine is really effective and we want people to take the vaccine, then what are we doing in this chamber wearing masks?”