the second time in i week. prosecute testing and illegalim grant shelter in new york. buffalo is everybody victing illegalim guarantee in dorms over student safety occurrence and new york s city recentliedal island kids go to play sock and baseball. guess what they turn today in an illegalim guarantee shelter weir thousands costing 20 million dollars a month on top of the 12 billion dollars mates by eric adams cost his city over a year and now expanded capacity to holdly,000 new illegal immigrants. here with reaction curtis. i think this is an arrest 79. im keeping up. i gotta make sure. that is correct. and the best arrest yet i did this for senior citizens. from the greatest generation this mayor flown the queue left
by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. bind border crisis reached every corner of the u.s. forcing democratic cities and states up north to deal with the influx of illegalim guarantees. mayoral candidate arrested for
crisis reached every corner of the country now forcing blue cities taking action at massive costs to taxpayers. curtis lee was arrested again yesterday. this now the second time in days. he stands up to the illegalim grant surge. liberals freaking out about covid and the mask mandate in college. we will have that as we continue. especially when it comes to your child s education. introducing power homeschool the official provider of online acellus courses for parents independently homeschooling their children. i really love how flexible the program is. it allows my child to work at her own pace and on her own schedule. join the growing community of parents who have discovered the power of power homeschool. visit our website at power homeschool dot org to learn more and start your child s educational journey.