KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) has teamed up with WWF-Malaysia and various agencies in Sabah to draw up a 10-year action plan aimed at fighting the illegal wildlife trade.
Because the bumblebee that an orchid relies on for pollination does not exist on a remote island, the plant gets pollinated by an island wasp. Kobe University researchers found that this came at the cost of being hybridized with another orchid species adapted to being pollinated by the wasp. The finding showcases how plants in ecological relationships adapt to changing circumstances.
JAKARTA: The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has repatriated from the Philippines 73 wild birds (pic), including yellow-crested cockatoos, black palm cockatoos, Moluccan cockatoos, and black-capped lories, reported Antara news agency.