On Thursday, in the case between the city and 29 residents refusing to vacate the site, the city s attorney said residents rejected alternative emergency accommodation at the Kampies and Bosasa informal settlements.
Woodstock Hospital occupants head to court to oppose eviction bid There are about 1,400 people living illegally in the building. The old Woodstock Hospital in Cape Town. Picture: Kaylynn Palm/Eyewitness News
34 days ago
CAPE TOWN - Activist group Reclaim the City on Monday said it would head to court next month to oppose the City of Cape Town s application for a court-ordered survey of occupiers at the old Woodstock Hospital.
There are about 1,400 people living illegally in the building.
The organisation, represented by the Centre for Applied Legal Studies, has asked the court for more time to respond to the city s application.
Mothers who occupied empty state premises in Havana with their children. Diario de Cuba
The housing problem is one of Cuba s most serious, damping the birth rate. In 2020, according to a report from the Ministry of Public Health, 105,030 children were born on the island, 4,686 less than in 2019, when 109,707 were recorded, about 6,626 less compared to 2018. Cuba has the oldest population in the region, with 2,328,000 seniors, making up 20% of the population. In 2025 it will break its own record, with 25% of the population over 65.
In order to boost the birth rate the state promised housing solutions to mothers with three or more children, or in vulnerable situations. However, it has recently recognized that only 5,735 of the more than 28,000 women who (according to its own figures) live in this situation have received a home in recent years.