Two individuals named Saurabh and Ramprakash have been apprehended for storing illegal firecrackers in Delhi. A raid led to the seizure of 53 cartons of firecrackers weighing approximately 1000 kilograms. Ramprakash confessed to engaging in the illegal business of selling and storing firecrackers. The accused revealed that they had procured the illegal firecrackers from individuals named Parvez, Jai Rawal, and Manoj Jain. Another individual named Saurabh was intercepted with 104 kilograms of illegal firecrackers in his car.
Police said that they are probing if any of the accused had political connections as the godown had displayed a huge hoarding of some politicians from Congress party.
Prayagraj: Three people were arrested during a checking drive near Raniganj area and seized illegal firecrackers weighing 62 kg from their possession .