This occasion is often seen as one to commemorate the loss of life and the integrity of often needless sacrifice, when it should be one to understand that a country with choices in war and peace decided to neglect them. The pattern risks repeating itself.
Those profiled in the stamp series served on overseas deployments from 1995 onwards, and all have been awarded theNew Zealand Operational Service Medal.
The NZDF personnel were part of a Joint Task Force sent on behalf of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, with a primary role of helping deliver polling kits, ballot boxes and election officials to remote areas of Solomon Islands, ahead .
With both her mum and dad coming from military backgrounds, life in the Defence Force isn’t an alien concept for Wellington student Grace Fale, but she’s now had the chance to experience first-hand what a career could be like in the Royal .
With our collective remembrance, and steadfast belief in our common humanity, we strengthen our hope and resolve to do what we can to foster dialogue and understanding, and to heal divisions in our pursuit of peace.