Boston Magistrates Court.
Saffron Poole, 19, of Derby Avenue, Skegness. At Lincoln, on July 28, committed assault. Discharged conditionally for six months. £22 victim surcharge.
Ricky Surman, 36, of no fixed abode. At Skegness, on September 4, committed assault. Community order made. Programme Requirement. Rehabilitation Activity Requirement up to 20 days. Unpaid Work Requirement: 50 hours. £150 compensation to pay. £90 victim surcharge. At Skegness, on the same date, committed assault. Community order made, as above.
Aaron Dolan, 32, of no fixed abode. At Skegness, on July 14, assaulted a police constable, acting in the exercise of their functions as an emergency worker. Committed to prison for 14 days. £50 compensation to pay.