Actor Mushtaq Khan recently revealed an intriguing anecdote from SRK's television days in an interview. The story told of how the superstar declined a role in a major film financed by a reputable production studio since he wasn't getting a meaty part. |
SRV Media New Delhi [India], December 18: Strawberry House, an advertising agency based in Rajkot, Gujarat, and the creative force behind Umiya Mobile Pvt. Ltd.'s Diwali Campaign, is thrilled to mark four years of incredible success, sales growth, and market impact. The annual Umiya Mobile Great Diwali Sale has not only become a tradition but a beacon of prosperity, bringing joy to countless customers across Gujarat State. Since Strawberry House's collaboration with Umiya Mobile Pvt. Ltd. on the Diwali Campaign four years ago, the sales volume has experienced a remarkable surge, consistently growing each year. The celebrity-studded campaigns, featuring Bollywood luminaries like Ibrahimbhai Qadri, Ashmit Patel, Kiku Sharda, Flora Saini, Ali Asgar, Krishna Abhishek, Shakti Arora, and Yukti Kapoor, have added glamour and charisma to the festivities. The latest Diwali Campaign of 2023, featuring Yukti Kapoor, Flora Saini, and Shakti Arora, continues the tradition of offering Big Of
The Zwigato actor is celebrating his 5th wedding anniversary today with his gorgeous wife Ginni Chathrath and had the sweetest wishes for her as he shared a serene unseen picture with her walking together. |
During his interaction with Mr. Faisu, aka Faisal Shaikh, on his show Long Drive, Kiku Sharda revealed how he bagged his first role in the fantasy drama Hatim.