and the concerns issue right at the end. absolutely and the concerns people - issue right at the end. absolutely and the concerns people have - issue right at the end. absolutely and the concerns people have at| issue right at the end. absolutely i and the concerns people have at this monday morning market in the north east of france really reflected across communities afflicted by the cost of living crisis. the people here have been talking about, for example, marcel, who is selling chicken, he says he is 64 now and may have to wait until he is 67 before he can retire. one woman was telling us she paid 1.24 salad, this week it is 1.70. that s an idea of the struggles here people are facing. we spoke to people here earlier waiting to commute in marine le pen s constituency, just hearing from them you will have an idea of the kind of reunification efforts that emmanuel macron is facing because they don t have much hope. and what we kept on hearing was the kind of resignation. they don