going to be topping out warmer than los angeles today. you don t think of new york being warmer than l.a. in in time of the year. and here is the map, and the red dots are areas that we are likely to tie or break record highs to today. all of the warmth out in front of the front, and the cold air behind it, and the clashing of the two different airs that are cause ing t causing the fuel for some of the storms. here s a look at where we expect the severe weather with the green being a minor risk, and the yellow being a slight risk, and tupelo and birmingham will be some of the cities with damaging winds, and possibly a few tornados as well. and the big threat out of today is the flood. the green areas are the flood watches, and warnings and advisories and the red are flash flood warning, and that is where we are seeing the roads under water, and homes with no
intentions, but they get into washington and our system is broke. the only hope is god, sean. it s not these political systems. the only hope for america is god. and if our nation turns back to god. so all 50 states, i m gog ing t be there at noon. you will go state to state? state to state. how many days? one day at each state capital. i ve got young kids. i hope i have a few more years in me. i look at the country and the world in a major decline. and to see the u.s. in decline this way breaks my heart because we were a special nation set apart with special blessings. these years have been brutal on the economy. i think these years have been brutal with america s absence on the world stage. and you see who is filling the void. if it s isis or putin or the iranian regime that our president is insanely negotiating with, it s scary. all right. so you won t endorse anybody. i won t endorse any
anti-isis summit under way right now chaired by the president. iran was not even invited, but president obama says that he is will t willing to work with anyone including iran and russia in an effort to defeat isis, but how is that done if iran is kept out of the summit of this importance? yes, and i asked about russia as well, because russia was not expected to take part in this, but you would expect that would be considered, particularly since russia has forces on the grou ground, that it claims are principally to fight isis, but the administration does not believe the explanation, and it is willing to work with them, and clearly not in the forum, and the fact is that the administration will work with them, because russia is on the ground, and one more thing about the foreign fighters coming in, and i have been speak ing ing t foreign intelligence commission about this for some time, and they say that turkey is not doing enough to stem the flow, in part, because turkey would rather
remas remark, and carrie, any fallout of the polling or will he get away with it as he has in saying other thing, and only increases the support? well, it is the level of outrage expressed in mainstream media has inverse number of poll number, and they have gone up when he had disparaging comment s on john mccain s military record, and the series of statements about the mexican americans, and that has fueled the rise, and nothing about this statement is going to be different here, and it is worth looking into some of the poll numbers about what the republicans believe about the president, and there is a substantial chunk of republican primary voteers and some 30% to 40% who believe that the president might be muslim, and the people who are speak iing t or the people that donald trump are speaking to, i don t believe that their mind is going to be changed at all by this. and carrie, any indication if carly fiorina is going to be getting a bump as to the wildly applauded gop performa
planned parenthood to perform the necessary health services that they do for millions of women. so let s puts a side for a moment here that there is no debate, and there should be no absolutely no argument that planned parenthood does cancer screenings, and helps to provide family planning and contraceptive a advice and works to provide some of the most difficult kinds of counseling when it comes to giving an hiv test for example, and what this is about is the fact that some of the planned parenthood facilities perform abortions which is legal under the laws of the united states. i understand that the republican party and in particular the candidates that we heard from last night, wish that were not the case, and wish that abortion were illegal and they could turn the clock back. and so i think that we ought to be very clear that planned parenthood has served to provide health care necessary health care for millions of women. and i think that it deserves not