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The Home of Forever Love in Hong Kong’s Kwai Chung area is a crematorium for ‘abortuses’ – fetuses of less than 24 weeks’ gestation – that shows how architecture can be used to affect emotions.
HIS work is known all around the world and here in Scotland the architect Enric Miralles will forever be remembered as the man who brought us the Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood, which can still trigger as much debate now as it did when it opened, four years after his death. Love it or loathe it, the building, with its roof of upturned boats and striking – if unusual – window frames, is regarded by many as the Catalan architect’s finest work and is featuring in a tribute organised by his home city of Barcelona. MIRALLES has been organised by the Enric Miralles Foundation, along with support from Barcelona City Council and the Catalan government and is aimed at giving the wider population the opportunity to appreciate the legacy he left after he died in July 2000 from a brain tumour, aged just 45.