Nikolaev has been in medicine for 20 years, seven of them in the Infectious Diseases department, he walks through the new building and seems not to breathe with delight, offers to look at everything at once, when asked what is unique about the object, he answers right away. The first is our people, that is , the staff of the childrens regional clinical hospital, this is the vskeducated team, all the professionals in their field, all these professionals will gather in one place. The second point is that almost everything is provided here, that is, separate rooms for the mother and child to Stay Together with one to two beds. From now on you can get all the help you need without leaving each one. This approach minimizes the risk of crossinfections, and therefore reduces the duration of treatment. We are especially proud of the equipment now; the building is literally crammed with it. Modern equipment, diagnostic equipment, all types. This is endoscopic equipment, which allows for diagnos
A funeral was held for Colonel Alexander Bespalov on Friday in the closed Russian city of Ozersk, according to a local announcement, which said he was killed during special operation .