Munawar has emerged as the winner of Bigg Boss and now TellyChakkar got in touch with the comedian and asked him what are his true feelings for Mannara and also if he won because of Ayesha. |
Mannara Chopra has emerged as the second runner up of the show and now TellyChakkar got in touch with her and asked her if she is in love with Munawar and reveals how she defeated Ankita Lokhande. |
Ankita and her spouse Vicky Jain had entered the Bigg Boss 17 house together, but during their stay inside, the couple was observed getting into some of the worst disagreements and fights. Things became so bad that the actress was observed advising her hubby to take a break from each other. |
The finale of the week is happening currently and Arun has been eliminated from the show and now Mannara’s journey has come to an end and she has been out of the finale race. |
The finale of the show is currently happening and finally the top two contestants are revealed and it's Munawar and Abhishek and one of them would emerge as the winner of the show. |