Bigg Boss Telugu Season 6 fifth week elimination is all set to be aired soon on the channel. As per sources, Chalaki Chanti is the latest contestant to get an exit pass from the Bigg Boss Telugu Season 6 house. Yes, you read that right. As per the buzz, Jabardasth actor Chalaki Chanti was eliminated from the show. However, we are yet to get an official confirmation on this.
Bigg Boss Telugu season 6 has completed its first week and it's time for the first elimination round. Bigg Boss Telugu 6 viewers can't wait to know to know who will be the first contestant to be evicted from the glass house. The contestants who were nominated in the first-week for elimination were Inaya, Bala Aditya, Abhinaya, Faima, Arohi, Chanti, Sri Satya, and Revanth.