Bebika Dhurve accused Manisha Rani of leaving her used sanitary pad in the washroom and discussed the same with Falaq Naazz. Pooja Bhatt slammed Bebika and Falaq for setting a false narrative against Manisha.
On Tuesday, fans were in for a shock to see Jiya Shankar making co-housemate Elvish Yadav drink water mixed with soap. They took to social media to show their displeasure over the matter.
Bigg Boss OTT 2: Aashika Bhatia had an emotional breakdown as she felt humiliated by other housemates. Pooja Bhatt showed major support and criticised the housemates for being 'insensitive' and overlooking humanity over a game - Watch
Funnyman Cyrus Broacha said that he has lost four kgs, he s barely sleeping for 3 hours, and he s feeling homesick. Despite Salman s multiple explanations, Cyrus was keen to take an early exit from the show.