Bigg Boss Telugu 5 is in its final leg and viewers are waiting for the grand finale. After displaying a strong bond and much drama in the Bigg Boss house, Shanmukh Jaswanth was seen losing his temper. In a latest promo released by the Bigg Boss Telugu makers Star Maa, Shannu is seen lashing out at Siri for the emotional drama she's been doing from the beginning of the show.
Yes, you have read it correctly. Bigg Boss Telugu OTT is soon going to air on Hotstar and the rumored date is said to be in February second week. The Bigg Boss OTT concept was first started in Hindi on Voot. The show was hosted by Karan Johar, which did not get the expected hype and hit. The top five Bigg Boss OTT Hindi contestants entered Bigg Boss Hindi 15. So the same
The countdown to the Bigg Boss Telugu season 5 grand finale has begun. There are eleven days to go and six contestants are remaining in the glass house. The battle for Bigg Boss Telugu season 5 title begins today. The nominated contestants for the final week of elimination are Shanmukh Jaswanth, Sunny, Siri, Maanas, and Kajal. According to the unofficial poll on social media
The final week elimination is trending and the audience are casting their vote for their favorite contestant. The nominated contestants for this week's elimination are Siri, Shanmukh Jaswanth, Maanas, Sunny, and Kajal, while Sreerama Chandra escaped the nomination as he won the ticket for the finale. According to unofficial voting reports, Kajal and Maanas are in the danger
Bigg Boss 15 has entered its ninth week and reports claim that this show will not be extended like the earlier seasons. This is because the reality show has poor TRP ratings. Besides this, the rankings of the top contestants in the house are also changing drastically, which indirectly informs the show makers to ask the contestants to change their gameplay. The positions are