business. are some businesses thinking of adapting are - business. are some businesses thinking of adapting are eitherl thinking of adapting are either having smaller scale events or of telling everyone wrap up warm and we are going outside? yes telling everyone wrap up warm and we are going outside? are going outside? yes come in we have been doing are going outside? yes come in we have been doing that are going outside? yes come in we have been doing that for are going outside? yes come in we have been doing that for last - are going outside? yes come in we have been doing that for last year. have been doing that for last year in a bit. we are 20 months into this and lots of events businesses and other businesses have been hustling and they have been changing things around, doing hybrid events, doing some in person events or on a much smaller scale or completely flipping and changing to having events online. ifor one have got complete fatigue of zoom. online. i for one have got