tweeting wrong numbers put forward against merkel. an op-ed reads the attacks against the german government are more than just rude they re imprudent. and trump targeted the entire european union saying we don t want what s happening with immigration in europe to happen with us. so what exactly is happening in europe? since 2015 the continent has been trying to manage a flow of more than a million people crossing its borders, mostly fleeing wars, that s challenging ffr some governments. it s also created tensions between eu countries. germa germany s open door policy is threatening the existence, while hungary is taking a hard line, building a fence, and passing a law making it illegal to help undocumented immigrants.
places. when you were reached ffr for comment, you did not deny what the president said. you put out a compelling statement about tough language and what they want and don t want as policy. you didn t deny what was told to you that he said. why not? i was i wasn t in the meeting. i was told the president used harsh language. the president used tough language because immigration is a tough issue. we want to resite the point he was making. president wants to create a merit based immigration system that s not country specific. that is not built on race. if you want to do that why did he make a point that was about naming countries? just to bring you into the meeting the president was given a plan to change the visa lottery system changing it from one group of select countries that have a reservation of visa. to another set of select countries. the point the president was making is why not pick norway or
political analyst along with jamie harrison, former chair of the south carolina democratic party and now the associate chairman of the dn krc. i don t know what the democratic party is anymore. can you tell him? jamie? yeah, well, chris, it s the party of the people. it s the party of working people in this country. so if there s one thing that i ve heard going out talking to voters, democratic voters, people who stay home, people who voted for bernie sander, for hillary clinton, it s that you, this party does not represent middle america. it s driven by money on the east coast and the west coast and the economic message that donald trump successfully delivered has not been heard by the democrats. what is it they re not hearing? well, i would push back against that, chris. that s what they re telling me. we do and i m telling you as one who represented ffr four years, a red state that would be
this. in fact when leader pelosi came before the rules committee when we had the health care bill ffr before us, i said, tell us what the democratic solution is. we never got the democratic solution i asked several times since then the truth of the smatter there is no democratic solution unless we have the government running everything. that s not really true either, sir? every person i talked to brings up single care. that may be true, every democrat that you have spoken to, you know 34 out of the 35 riches countries in the world have universal health care, vacate countries have universal health care, single payer is one form. you don t have to go that way? well, that s what the democrats and the house, a great many of them are telling me. what they want us to do is to go to that. so i take that as their alternative, their alternative is not acceptable to the vast majority of american people. we need to continue to work together to come up with a solution that we have been wor
how are you doing? i m doing excellent. can t complain at all. so glad to hear that. i m sure fletcher that s music to your ears, that you helped a family, this man that sacrificed so much ffr our country. you ve got this program no soldier spends christmas alone. how does that work and what are you seeing in the next couple of days. in the last week or two we ve provided i think 145 flights making sure that all of our wounded warriors are with their families on christmas morning. we provide flights throughout the year and this is a busy time for us to our veterans in hospice care so they re never alone as they re passing away. and we re interrogatory out a new program for our fallen officers. any police officer who s attacked, a blue lives matter type of situation, we can step in and provides flights for the family. let me quickly say to james, he s a success story being his loved ones with him the whole time since 2012 of course has