IEX share price: The stock plunged 6.76 per cent to settle at Rs 137.30. At today's closing price, the scrip has plunged 16.31 per cent in just two trading days.
IEX said the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) volume stood at 4,798 MU in December compared with 5,001 MU in December 2022. The DAM segment registered total volumes of 14,684 MU in the December quarter, up 1.5 per cent YoY.
The exchange witnessed a rise in electricity trading volume, reaching 8,655 MU in December 2023, up by 8.7% compared to the same month in the previous year. For the third quarter of fiscal year 2024, IEX s total volume surged to 28,326 MU, marking a 16.9% growth year-over-year.
IEX said its Day-Ahead Market (DAM) volume climbed 8.3 per cent YoY to 4,742 MU in October from 4,379 MU YoY. It said its Real-Time Electricity Market (RTM) volume rose 6.1 per cent YoY to 2,402 MU from 2,265 MU YoY.
IEX said e-auction premium is easing since January 2023, down from premium of 182 per cent over notified price in January to 106 per cent in September.