appears to brush aside offers of assistance. a couple of questions, do you think he will in the end said okay, we can use the help, and number two, how close are our assets? i read we have a couple of ships and other assets. if putin can say one thing publicly but i hope privately he is accepting our assistance. we may not know what his intelligence and information deficits are, so can help fulfill them. even if he puts on a public face we can handle it, he is actually working with international community, but i can t be sure. we have some great technologies, some of the things we use in afghanistan and iraq to interrupt ied s, using radio waves. the ships are there potentially
iraq and while you were there, dan, you found out very close, very personal what an i.e.d. is all about. good afternoon. god to see you and thanks for having me and happy birthday to fox news. jon: thank you. it s our 17th. yes. well, interact, myself and others were exposed to ied s, improvised explosive devices used by the enemy to attack fuel convoys and based on that experience that we had there, myself and a couple of other west moore graduates formed this company. the idea was an entrepreneur who decided to put together a solar hybrid system that was solar, batteries and a diesel generator to reduce fuel at bases. keith tucker is an impressive investor who saw this as a game changing technology and we spent four years now deploying the systems to afghanistan and it is
heather. s dzhokhar tsarnaev told us the reason they attacked the boston marathon they accelerated their time line to attack is they were able to build their bombs that isser than they ex faster than they expected. the finish line on boylston street was a target of opportunity. with that said we are learning all of the evidence points to clear pre-meditation. the tsarnaev brothers built four different types of ied s, improvised explosive devices which were all effective. national security sources say with home grown terrorists they usually build one kind so they do just build one kind. these brothers built four. sources are now saying the bombs were likely built inside tamerlan tsarnaev s house and not at the dorm of dartmouth
know. brian: eight pipe bombs found in the house, other grenades thrown from the car, pressure cookers we saw at the marathon. are these guys highly trained in your world? they didn t learn that stuff on the internet. people can learn how to make a crude explosive device. the danger is they injure themselves. all sorts of famous terrorists get their hands blown off playing with these things. these guys devised a series of explosive devices; they got training. the older brother is likely to have gotten training when he was back there. without a doubt. brian: the i.e.d. s, they were in iraq, went to afghanistan. this is an i.e.d. that hit us in boston. in your mind, should we expect these in other cities? i think people have to recognize that i.e.d. technology, as you stated,
change that? it doesn t necessarily change it. i mean, there is a legal case you could make for treating this guy as an unlawful combatant and giving him a military commission. john: but in that case there would not be miranda warnings read; correct? no, i don t think that is correct necessarily actually. there are you know, the supreme court has issued a number of opinions about military commissions and military commissions now contain a lot of the same protections and rights for defendants that civilian trials do. brian: are you saying in iraq, if you catch a guy planting an i.e.d., the soldiers are reading them their rights? no, of course not. brian: that s what i think the point is. what s the difference? the difference is in iraq, obviously the priority is not on preserving any statements for trial. the priority is on ensuring the troop safety. i think you could take that