nnecon. the ndo fward i t ec on sena te, ie cdept o fwa i na y, iept foll ys. there is lli-rt an oppthoseitn inhe sate isi- trtoanpp inataising the t o deeingnles we do someinaig ngsiific tt aut t de.ei ng nland ter w ofehat meinsiica t i sde . sign d anerf m vie the is deni t n ognf sigfica is vwhat t wdet o i sied i as cdi e at t mardke a by te ameca tn pearople and t byorgn a pele borgn counie no blue sken un m irrslueo n gas man ship, a seriousnd m croib atgah m forwardhi aerus n cr onlyat ororrdt t but long nermnly t rece sing i tutonnlgy thg iy judgment hat wre s getinheg ves inhe thg jgm w sen e t to ihe raisehe deb se is che dng. he only conete. proposa l n nl yth president pn c t he ll llutro tsaayln i s is pre pden te