Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was in Tamil Nadu s Vellore on Wednesday, sharpened his claws at the ruling DMK, stating that the entire family was looting Tamil Nadu.
Senthil Kumar’s comment dragged the DMK once again into BJP’s line of fire and its alliance partner Congress into a tight spot. No sooner had the BJP reacted, calling the DMK MP’s comments as divisive and trying to create North-South division. The Congress distanced itself from the comment.
Treading on many toes, the TN BJP chief has made a place for himself in the state, won over RSS support with stand in Sanatan Dharma row, and could be crucial to the party's big game in the state
DMK minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, the son of Tamil Nadu chief minister M K Stalin, drew the ire of BJP on Saturday after his remarks on eradicating Sanatana Dharma triggered a row. The minister, however, struck to his stance, saying he will not be cowed down by saffron threats.