Anand Mahindra gives new home to Tamil Nadu s Idli Amma as Mother s Day gift - Tamil Nadu s Idli Amma, also known as Kamalathal has been selling idlis with sambhar and chutney for around 37 years for only Re 1.
Photo for representative purpose only
THANE: A 26-year-old road-side idli vendor was allegedly killed by three unidentified customers at Mira Road in Thane district following an argument over Rs 20, police said on Saturday.
The incident occurred on Friday morning, they said.
The victim, identified as Virendra Yadav, used to sell idlis. On Friday, three customers came to his road-side joint and told him that he owed them Rs 20. Soon, an argument broke out and escalated into a scuffle, a police official said. The trio pushed the vendor, due to which he fell down and suffered head injuries. Other people rushed him to a nearby hospital, where he was declared brought dead, he said.